Monday, June 21, 2010


Dear Parents and Grade 4's,

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS and WELL DONE to all my kids! I am soooo very proud of you all and your performances today, at the Music Day Concert, but also at the Graduation!

Thank you to those parents who were able to attend the graduation and also stopped by the classroom to look at the art. Thank you also to the parents who were able to attend our concert today! It is always nice to be able to have quick chat.

By now you will know that I will not be returning to HIS in the new school year.

There is no easy way for me to extend my gratitude towards you all.

To my students, so many of you have been a part of my everyday life for the past two years, and others for this year, and it is difficult for me to express just how much I will miss you! I love you all dearly and hope that one day, you will be able to tell your children about the "mean" 4th Grade teacher you had, but that you will also remember all the good times we had! Remember... "If the shoe fits..." don't ever feel bad about things, that you know are not relevant to you!

To the parents, thank you for all your support! I wish we were able to get together more often. Your children have grown so much, and you can all be very proud of who they are! They are all special!

I hope to be able to stay in touch, and will keep my email account active, so please feel free to send an email and let me know how you are doing!

But now, there is not much left for me to say, but "Farewell! Until we meet again!"

With much love,
Ms. Erma Barry

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Graduation Performances

Here are the video clips from the performances. More on this later.