Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome to Grade 4!

Dear Parents and 4th Graders,

A warm and familiar welcome to all the parents and students in the Grade 4 class! I trust that you have all had a wonderful summer and that you are looking forward to the new school year. With many new exciting challenges and experiences ahead, I know that we will have another fruitful year. Teamwork is a great way to learn and I am confident that this Grade 4 class is one that will work happily together.

Please find my email address below, and do not hesitate to contact me if there are any queries. All students will have a homework/assignment book which needs to be signed on a daily basis. If you need to communicate with me, you are more than welcome to write a note in this book. All homework will be indicated in the assignment book, making it easier for you as a parent to assist in making certain that homework is done.

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at our Parent – Teacher Introductory Evening, which will be held soon.

Please consult this blog on a regular basis, to see what your child has been doing in class. The blog will be updated as often as possible. All vocabulary or spelling words will be placed on the blog, to save on paper and to allow students easy access to it at all times.

I wish you all a pleasant weekend.

Miss Erma Barry

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