Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 12 Update

Dear Parents,

We have passed the middle of November again, and is unbelievable how time seems to run away with us.

As many of you may know, Grant Franceschina and his family will be leaving Taiwan at the end of this week. It will be a sad time for many of us. I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank Mrs. Jennifer Franceschina, for the time she has spent being involved in so many of the activities we have had at school. We will certainly miss you, Jen, especially when there is baking to be done. We wish you all well, and hope that Grant will stay in contact with us and tell us about his experiences back in the U.S.A.

As Friday will be Jack (grade 5) and Grant's last day at school, the grade 4 and 5 classes will use some time during the afternoon to combine and have a farewell party for the boys. If there is anything you would like to contribute towards this, feel free to send some snacks.

Next week Thursday will be Thanksgiving, but we will not be celebrating this as a class, I would rather that we have a lovely Christmas lunch together, as we did, so successfully last year. More about this next time.

Important Dates:

19/11 Thursday: Social Studies Test: Chapter 3 (Open Book) (Text Book: p.52-70)

24/11 Tuesday: Math Tests: Chapter 7 and Unit 3 (Chapters 6 and 7) (Class Test)

27/11 Friday: Science Test: Unit B: Chapter 5 (Open Book)

2/12 Tuesday: English Test : Unit 3 (Homework)

I hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather!


Miss Barry

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