Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thank You and Merry Christmas

Dear Parents,

Once again I need to thank you for the wonderful contribution you made towards making our Christmas Lunch another wonderful memory.

To all the parents who were involved, I know I speak on behalf of the students too, when I say THANK YOU!

I need to make a correction to my previous blog, and apologise for incorrectly awarding Simon the first position in the Violin Competition, when he had been awarded the fifth position. I apologise for any embarrassment caused by this misunderstanding.

Students will have only one activity for the vacation, other tha doing as much reading as they can. For Science they need to make a model of a fossil. Instructions will follow, and we have spoken about this in class too.

I would like to wish you all a very pleasant time over the Winter Break, and if you are traveling,

have a safe journey. Merry Christmas and a year of smiles for 2010!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Proud Moment

Dear Parents,

This has been a week filled with some very proud moments for me, as Grade 4 “Mother”.

A HUGE thank you to all the students for their WONDERFUL performance at the Christmas Show. You all looked lovely and performed so well! To Angel Huang, Angel Su, Sydney, Lucent, Simon, and Jenny, who performed in our class orchestra and also made up the biggest part of the school orchestra, a special word of thanks, for the extra hours of practice. To every parent, who made sure that the students were here on time and smartly dressed, thank you. To those parents who contributed to the lovely party following the show, thank you! In all, to you all THANK YOU!

This week has also seen some individual performances that have made me proud! The Grade 4s were complimented by Ms. Kelly on their excellent behavior in the Library on Monday, and it made me proud, hearing what a great example they are. We have been concentrating on “Being a good example to others”, and all of these achievements reflect that the students are accepting some responsibility.

Furthermore, Simon, Lucent and Jenny, have participated in both Violin and Piano Competitions this week. Simon and Lucent did extremely well, both finishing in the top 10 of the competition. Jenny reached the top 5 in her Piano Competition, which is also a truly fantastic achievement.

I see the students grow more and more every day, and as their School “Mother”, it makes me proud to be their “Parent”. I am certain that you all share in this pride.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Monday at our Christmas Lunch. In advance, thank you to everyone who is involved.

Have a restful weekend!

Ms. Barry

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Dear Parents,

As this is a very busy time for us, I do not want to add extra pressure to the students, and so all the tests to be written over the next two weeks will be Open-book, Homework Tests. In other words, students will do the tests for homework and may use their textbooks to complete them. I do not want to leave out any tests, but do not want to push them to study at such a busy time. I hope you understand.

Please see the School's Newsletter regarding the Christmas Show. There are important arrangements, regarding the time and also a request regarding treats. Reply slips need to be returned to school by Friday (4/12).

A special word of thanks to Sydney's mother, Judy, for making our costumes for the Christmas Show. Once you see the costumes, I am sure you will agree that a lot of effort has gone into making the students look lovely for this special occasion. Judy has also offered to help with organizing the Christmas Lunch for our class. Thank you for your continued support in this regard.

Friday 4/12 Math Chapter 8
Tuesday 8/12 Science Chapter 6
Thursday 10/12 Christmas Show (Be at school 18:30 for 19:00 start)
Monday 14/12 Christmas Lunch (11:30)
Thursday 17/12 Class Party and Half-day of School

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Ms. Barry