Sunday, January 17, 2010

Upcoming Dates

Dear Parents,

We are making good progress in our Curriculum, and as you will know we are nearing the end of our First Semester. Semester 2 commences on February 1st, 2010.

Here are some upcoming dates:

21/1 Thursday: Social Studies Test: Chapter 4 (Text Book: p.73 - 79, p.89 - 94), and Workbook up to Farming Technology (Open Book)

21/1 Thursday: English Test: Unit 10 (Homework Test)

29/1 Friday: Math Test: Chapter 11 (Homework Test)2/1 Monday: Math Test: Unit 4: Chapters 8-11 (Class Test)

3/2 Wednesday: Social Studies: Chapter 5 (Text Book: p. 110 - 117, p.126 - 143), and Workbook Worksheets (Open Book)

Please note that all dates are estimated dates. Sometimes a section takes longer than planned and I may need to change the date, closer to time. Stay warm and healthy!

Ms. Barry

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