Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Sports!

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to ALL GRADE 4 students on their fantastic spirit and achievements, during this year's Sports Day! I was so proud of each student for showing what a good sport they are, and not making winning a priority, but the enjoyment of being part of a team, and being able to participate, the key focus.

Secondly I wish to congratulate Angel Huang on her selection, by her classmates, as the "Outstanding Student" for Grade 4. Well done, Angel, your hard work and dedication, along with a great attitude has been noticed, by all of us around you!

As you know, the IOWA testing will be upon us soon. Please may I ask that students do not go to bed too late, as we have many tests to write. As per school policy, students will not be receiving homework during that specific week.

We have started working on Social Studies again, and will be completing our final two themes for the year. In Math we are working on Geometry, and I would like to request that you please make sure that your child has a ruler and protractor. These items were on the stationary list at the beginning of the year, but there are still some students who do not have all their stationary items.

Some upcoming dates:

Wednesday 5/5 Math: Chapter 16 Test: Class Test
Thursday 6/5 English: Unit 5 Tests: Homework Test
Friday 7/5 Social Studies Test: Chapter 13 and 14 Test : Open book Test
10 - 14 May : IOWA Tests

Spelling : Week 12
Copy and define the following words:
1. gig (job)
2. orchestra
3. jambalaya
4. improvise
5. ragtime
6. jazz
7. heritage
8. interdependent
9. network
10. commute
11. satellite
12. communications
13. economy
14. interstate highway
15. global

Ms. Barry

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