Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Dear All,

Thank you to the Grade 4's for a WONDERFUL field trip. Although I am sorry that no parents joined us, I do think it was a good way for the students to show me how much they have grown up.

I am very proud of their co-operation and fantastic behavior! It was a most enjoyable day for me, knowing that they were following my instructions and that they were where they needed to be. Thank you, Grade 4's!

Next week sees the start of our final Oral Presentations for the year. The students have been working on presentations in the Computer class and will be presenting them over the next few weeks.

Please refer to page 393 of your English Text Book:
1. This presentation is not a written presentation or report, but an oral presentation.
2. The length of time allowed will be a maximum of 10 minutes per student. The presentation should be a minimum of 5 minutes long.
3. All students have to include some form of media in the presentation. It may be a a video clip, article, photograph, graph, etcetera, which is used to SUPPORT the presentation.
4. Topics HAVE TO relate to the topics provided on p.393!
5. Please prepare everything in advance.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Field Trip Related Homework

Grade 4's,

Please find the answers to the following questions, so that we are able to discuss this in class on Monday.

You may use the following Taipei Zoo websites to complete or find some of your answers. There are many links and sections to search under. Be patient and you will find all the answers!
Good observation skills at the zoo will help you too!




1. What are "Alien" or "Exotic" species?

2. What "welcomes" you to the Insectarium?

3. What are the weather conditions in the Panda House? In other words, what temperatures and humidity do Pandas enjoy?

4. What does the word "Nocturnal" mean?

5. Where will you find the center of the "Asian rain forests"?

6. List 5 "Formosan" animals at the Taipei Zoo.

7. List 7 of the areas we visited at the zoo.

I am looking forward to a fun day with you all!

Mother Barry

Music Class

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Field Trip

Dear Parents and Grade 4's,

Please prepare the following for our field trip to the zoo on Friday, 21 May. A reminder also about all the important information, as mentioned previously in the newsletter.

Students should be at school at the usual time, as the buses will depart at 8:30. A reminder that there will NOT be any bus service when we return to school at 5:00. Students have to wear the school PE shirt, to help with easy identification at the zoo.

In addition to the above, students should please prepare the following:
1. A backpack to carry everything they need. (Do not take more than you need, as you are responsible for carrying your own things)
2. A "poncho" style raincoat or small umbrella in the event of possible rain.
3. Sunblock and a cap.
4. A water bottle.
5. Lunch or money for lunch. Please note, there are some restaurants available.

Please do not give students more than NT$500 to spend.

If there is anything in addition to this, I will inform you by Thursday.

Ms. Barry

Monday, May 17, 2010

Social Studies Theme: Our Neighbors

Make a Fact File about Japan. Use the following titles in your one page presentation. Pay attention to neatness and the layout of your page. You may use a border, or add pictures, if you would like to, but do not cover any information in doing so.

- Capital City
- National Flag
- National Language
- Emperor
- Prime Minister
- 4 Main Islands
- Currency and Symbol
- Traditional Clothing for Women
- Traditional Food
- Popular Sport
- Highest Point in Japan
- Neighboring Countries

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Dear Parents,

Next week we will be writing our yearly IOWA Tests. Please click on the link below to see the schedule for next week. Please note that we will be starting some tests at 8:35, so please try and get students to school in time for the start of school at 8:30.


Ms. Barry