Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Field Trip

Dear Parents and Grade 4's,

Please prepare the following for our field trip to the zoo on Friday, 21 May. A reminder also about all the important information, as mentioned previously in the newsletter.

Students should be at school at the usual time, as the buses will depart at 8:30. A reminder that there will NOT be any bus service when we return to school at 5:00. Students have to wear the school PE shirt, to help with easy identification at the zoo.

In addition to the above, students should please prepare the following:
1. A backpack to carry everything they need. (Do not take more than you need, as you are responsible for carrying your own things)
2. A "poncho" style raincoat or small umbrella in the event of possible rain.
3. Sunblock and a cap.
4. A water bottle.
5. Lunch or money for lunch. Please note, there are some restaurants available.

Please do not give students more than NT$500 to spend.

If there is anything in addition to this, I will inform you by Thursday.

Ms. Barry

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